Here is an uncollected translation from the Spencer archive at the University of Reading, reproduced with permission of the poet's bestate/b. It is taken from the script for "Poems by Seferis", selected by Ian Scott-Kilvert, producer D.S. b...../b *Murinsel, by Vito Acconci, Graz,Austria* Poetry & Architecture: Vito Acconci, Benjamin Aranda & Robert bKocik/b @ Segue April 25 *§* More flarf vs. conce... 18 hours ago. LEMON HOUND ? Lemon Hound talks to Emily Schultz - LH: Emily, b.../b
Ya Rabbi ..gayat mak....seram sejuk aku tgk cabel car depa.....sudah lah pendek n bkocik/b ..ramai pulak tu.....dan PANAS!!!!! Itulah yg aku tak suka tntg Penang nie..yg lain ok..tapi tang cuaca ....huhuhu...hitam legam aku b.../b
... legislative session for her, and the arrival of the baby for us both. We will be back late Friday night. Brian, don't wreck the place while I'm gone. ~nb. Scribbled by PhiMuAlpha2681 at 16:26. Labels: Miscellaneous BS, vacations...